Hier ein paar Stimmen nach getaner Arbeit...

...some reviews

Cely & Frank, California, USA

I have been in contact with Cely and Frank since 2008. We meet up regularly at different locations. Lovely couple. Over the years we created lots of b/w memories and I am more than happy to supply more. That's how it works. A trustful connection, time spending, relaxed moments. Photos shown on web site were taken between 2008 and 2019, in San Francisco, Presidio, Ukiah, Point Reyes and Lake Tahoe. Places they love. More to come...

"Oliver is really good at what he does and we always feel very relaxed with him." 

Sylwia, Schleswig-Holstein

"Das Shooting entstand ganz zufällig. Ich hatte immer den Wunsch nach einer Serie schöner Bilder. Der Vormittag verging wie im Flug und es sind so viele eindrucksvolle und coole Bilder entstanden. Ich bin sehr schüchtern, aber der Fotograf hat mir geholfen, offen zu sein und ich selbst sein zu können. Ich hatte einen besonderen Tag mit einem besonderen Menschen. Diesen Tag vergesse ich nie."


Avon, Cleveland, USA

Avon's and my paths crossed in autumn 2019 while we were both traveling the Croation Islands. He is an entrepreneur from the US seeking his new home in the Adriatic. So we spent a couple of time together enjoying Balkans wine, South European food and visited some nearshore islands...

"This is probably the best photo that has ever been taken from me!"

Keeping distance for a while...

Spending time at a shooting means getting to know people better. Building up a relationship. Making my models feel relaxed. And then, at a certain point I disappear and take photos while not being around. Then people feel more comfortable and free. So did Avon. Thank you very much for the amazing time around Vodice, Srima and Sibenik... 

Cynthia, Nordrhein-Westfalen

Bill, Florida, USA

Bill is into house construction and he is also a pilot and flight instructor. We got in contact through aviation in South West Florida in 2015. An extraordinarily humorous gentleman...

"You do have a talent for photography. Your photos are just beautiful. You capture people in their natural state."

Eva, Nordrhein-Westfalen

"Das Shooting war super locker, leicht und erfrischend. Der Fotograf hat es mir sehr leicht gemacht. Volle Punkte!"

Achim, Nordrhein-Westfalen

"Olli versteht es, die individuellen Charaktereigenschaften eines Menschens fotografisch in Szene zu setzen. Mit den Ergebnissen des Shootings bin ich persönlich sehr glücklich. Die Zusammenarbeit hat Spaß gemacht. Ich kann Olli jederzeit weiterempfehlen."